In Sweden, and elsewhere in Scandinavia, you're as likely to see a vimpel (vimple, wimple) flying on a flagpole, as you are a flag. A vimpel is a long, pennant-shaped flag in the colors of the national flag. When the vimpel is out, it's a sign there's probably someone at home. The vimpel is convenient, too, as it can be left out at night -- something you shouldn't do with a country flag. Vimpels are typically flown from a high flag pole, just as a flag would be. They also are seen on the top of the Swedish Midsummer pole (maypole, majstang) or on a ship's mast. Available for Sweden (gold stripe on blue field), Norway (blue on white stripe on red field), Denmark (white stripe on red field), or Finland (blue stripe on white field). 80" long (6'8"). Made in USA.
Flag - Sweden 3X5 Item#: 3962